Customer Testimonials

The Jerry's Transmissions Inc staff of transmission service & repair technicians and management realize that our auto repair customers are the most valued asset of our auto repair shop. We are always happy to receive testimonials from shop customers and equally happy to share their feedback with you!

They did a great job on our VW transmission. They did the work in a timely manner and it was done when they said. The garage and office was very clean and organized. We were very impressed with the whole experience. Thanks.
John G from Ohio
Great job once again, I'll recommend this place to anybody that is having problems with there cars. My car broke down on the high way I called them thinking something might have went wrong with a transmission I had put in last year. They picked the car up in a hour and called me the next morning telling me it was something else. Had my car back in 2 days and running great again with a reasonable price. Great friendly people that work here.
Jody C from Ohio
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