Jeremy Keiser
Jeremy is new to Jerry's crew. He is a graduate of the Warren County Career Center in Automotive Technology. Jeremy scored high in his Skills Challenge and earned the right to represent his school at the State level of competition. Jeremy joins us as a capable apprentice who will learn in a live shop environment to hone his skills.
Jim Rohne
Owner/Master Builder
Jim is Jerry's oldest son and has been building transmissions for over 30 years. Jim has a strong love for the oldies but is continuing to grow his knowledge to constantly update on newer models and the latest technology.
Jon Rohne
Jon is Jerry's youngest son. Jon has been around the shop since it opened in 1999 and has learned all aspects of the trade from installation to building transmissions. Jon's knowledge of automotive repair and diagnosis is vast and well rounded.
Wayne Keiser
Customer Service
Wayne has been a long time friend of the family and joined us in customer service after our founders, Mr and Mrs Jerry Rohne retired. Wayne has been in the automotive world since his teens. With early experience in mechanical repairs, many years of parts and service experience. Wayne's automotive career has focused on customer service. He's the direct link between the work in the shop and you, our customers.