Customer Testimonials

The Jerry's Transmissions Inc staff of transmission service & repair technicians and management realize that our auto repair customers are the most valued asset of our auto repair shop. We are always happy to receive testimonials from shop customers and equally happy to share their feedback with you!

They were up front about the work needed to be done and the cost of the job. I would recommend them highly!
Connie D. from Ohio
great service and friendly staff.
Justin from Ohio
Great communication and honesty with what was wrong with my vehicle and reasonable rates.
Chris G from Ohio
Great company, we've been using them for I believe like 34 years for all our truck needs for the business. Always do a good job, quick service, up front with diagnosis and stand behind their work.
Rob L from Ohio
Excellent work done the same day Thanks
Dan K from Ohio
Great service at reasonable prices
Ken S from Ohio
Great experience. Will definitely recommend in the future.
Anthony T from Ohio
Quality work. Excellent prices. Great service. Friendly and professional.
Brian W from Ohio
I cannot say how much I appreciated Wayne's honesty regarding my vehicle. When I spoke to him on the phone after getting an outlandish quote from another dealer, Wayne spoke to me like I knew what I was talking about instead of BSing me. Ladies know what I'm saying. They gave me a thorough inspection and drove the vehicle to see what the issue was. Turns out, there was NO issue at all. I cannot say enough about the honesty and fairness of these guys.
Melissa T from Ohio
Wayne and the guys hooked me up. Came in "Under" bid. I was thrilled.
Anthony T from Ohio
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